Elders of the internet...

"Game Changing"

It's Geek time.

Hello, RubyConf..?

Another RubyConf. That'd be great.

Your mind makes it real.

Rubyconf Argentina October 24 / 25, 2014

Ciudad Cultural Konex


Day 1

  1. 9:00 AM

    Ingreso / Access

  2. 10:00 AM

    Jano González

    Jano González

    Microservicios en la práctica

  3. 10:00 AM

    Jano González

    Jano González

    Microservicios en la práctica

    ¿Son los microservicios otra "buzzword" más? En esta charla conocerás los pro y los contra de este enfoque, los problemas resuelve y qué nuevos problemas crea, todo desde el punto de vista de un equipo que extrae servicios desde una aplicación monolítica en su día a día.

    Durante los últimos 6 meses he sido parte del equipo que está extrayendo servicios del "monoriel" de SoundCloud, creo que vale la pena compartir mis experiencias y que no hemos tenido tantas charlas de arquitectura en las últimas conferencias del Cono Sur.

  4. 10:35 AM

    Lucas Videla

    Lucas Videla

    You already git started. Now, what?

  5. 10:35 AM

    Lucas Videla

    Lucas Videla

    You already git started. Now, what?

    You already know the basics of git, and you liked it. You want to spread the usage of this magnificent tool between your co-workers, and you don't find how to involve them. Maybe your team is working with git, but you see that your repo is filling out with merge commits. Or, even better, you're working in a massive team that is turning the code base messier and messier. We need to face each problem with a concrete approach. In this talk you'll know the basics of the major workflow strategies, and the reasons to choose one among all other options.

  6. 11:05 AM


  7. 11:25 AM

    Hanneli Tavante

    Hanneli Tavante

    Our daily graphs written in Ruby and Neo4j

  8. 11:25 AM

    Hanneli Tavante

    Hanneli Tavante

    Our daily graphs written in Ruby and Neo4j

    Have you ever noticed that so many situations could it into a graph? Graphs are not only a boring subject into College, they can be really useful in many situations. This talk will show you some graph modelling with a nice graph database - Neo4j - and some ruby codes, inserting very creative scenarios inside graphs.

  9. 12:00 PM

    Paul Smith

    Paul Smith

    Derailing Irrationality

  10. 12:00 PM

    Paul Smith

    Paul Smith

    Derailing Irrationality

    Cognitive biases enable faster decisions when timeliness is more valuable than accuracy. They are very hard to detect and rarely discussed. Without realizing it we ask survey questions of our customers and clients that yield biased answers, which in turn lead to features that are not useful. We review code in ways that cause frustration, and hurt feelings. We take on technical debt because of invisible and nearly imperceptible forces in our minds that cause us to make irrational decisions. This talk will help developers to understand how to think rationally in order to act quickly, write better software and be happier while doing it.

    In the presentation we will talk about the current moment bias, the fairness bias, impostor syndrome, the IKEA effect, the diagnosis bias, the principle of reactance and how these effects become formidable enemies on the way to creating cohesive teams and simple software. We will learn how to recognize when these biases take effect and how to overcome them.

    By the end of this talk people will know:

  11. 12:30 PM

    Almuerzo / Lunch

  12. 2:00 PM

    Federico Carrone

    Federico Carrone

    Concurrency for Rubyists

  13. 2:00 PM

    Federico Carrone

    Federico Carrone

    Concurrency for Rubyists

    In the last few years thanks to the gain in popularity of functional programming languages like Erlang, Clojure and Haskell, many of us learned how to properly work and use the high level primitives for working with concurrency and parallelism those languages have. Ruby, on the other side, even if it is a very expressive language, it does not have built in most of those primitives. However thanks to libraries like concurrent-ruby, celluloid and virtual machines like JRuby and rubinius we are able to use great concurrency patterns like Actor, Agent, Async, Future, Promise, ScheduledTask, TimerTask and efficient, immutable, and thread-safe collections thanks to hamster.

  14. 2:35 PM

    Lucia Escanellas

    Lucia Escanellas

    Look ma', I know my algorithms!

  15. 2:35 PM

    Lucia Escanellas

    Lucia Escanellas

    Look ma', I know my algorithms!

    Esta es la historia de como pasar de 3 horas a 30 segundos implementando un problema sencillo, mediante algoritmos.

    Vamos a ver:

    1. Cómo usar ordenes de complejidad en la vida real
    2. Cómo influye el (no) paralelismo de Ruby (MRI)
    3. Cómo evitar sorpresas en la performance usando colecciones

    La charla no tiene spoilers, por lo que podes salir de la charla a probar tu propia solución.

  16. 3:05 PM


  17. 3:20 PM

    Ignacio Piantanida

    Ignacio Piantanida

    Ruby on your pocket with RubyMotion

  18. 3:20 PM

    Ignacio Piantanida

    Ignacio Piantanida

    Ruby on your pocket with RubyMotion

    Si alguna vez quisiste escribir aplicaciones nativas de iOS pero solo ver la sintaxis y verbosidad de Objective-C te produjo nauseas, RubyMotion es para vos!

    Con RubyMotion podemos llevar toda la simplicidad y poder de expresión de ruby al ambiente mobile para escribir aplicaciones iOS/OS X nativas (y próximamente Android también).

    Usa todas las herramientas que ya conoces: ruby, rake, gemas, RubyMine y otras en un nuevo ambiente con un mercado más que interesante!

  19. 3:55 PM

    Damián Janowski

    Damián Janowski

    Redis: más allá del caché y las colas

  20. 3:55 PM

    Damián Janowski

    Damián Janowski

    Redis: más allá del caché y las colas

    Redis nació como un Memcached persistente. Y es por ese pasado sombrío que muchos lo consideran solo una buena alternativa para cachear cosas. Sin embargo, Redis evolucionó rápidamente hacia como se lo conoce hoy en día: un servidor de estructuras de datos.

    Redis provee operaciones atómicas sobre tipos de datos primitivos (strings, listas, conjuntos, conjuntos ordenados y hashes) que dan mucha flexibilidad para pensar la mejor manera de guardar los datos de nuestra aplicación. Esto, sumado a otras funcionalidades (como replicación, dos estrategias de persistencia, transacciones y scripting en Lua) hacen que Redis sea una opción muy interesante a la hora de elegir la base de datos para nuestro proyecto.

    En esta charla vamos a explorar, a partir de ejemplos, los casos de uso más frecuentes en cualquier aplicación web y cómo se puede usar Redis para resolverlos. También se van a mostrar los pitfalls más comunes y qué estrategias se pueden usar para evitarlos.

  21. 4:25 PM


  22. 4:55 PM

    Emilio Gutter

    Emilio Gutter

    The Ten Commandments of the Ruby Programmer

  23. 4:55 PM

    Emilio Gutter

    Emilio Gutter

    The Ten Commandments of the Ruby Programmer

    More than 3000 years later Moses received the Ten Commandments from God, on a hard day's night of endless work, struggling with a legacy, untested, big-ball-of-mud, spaghetti Ruby code, after liters of coffee, dozens of beers, a few shots of tequila and a fine glass of single malt scotch, close to a point of desperation, almost ready to give up his task, Emilio received an unexpected visitor. God himself appeared on the screen of his computer, took control of the machine and with a raspy, guttural voice said: "Emilio, you are the chosen one. You shall open the red sea of rubies and illuminate the flock of Ruby sinners with The Ten Commandments of the Ruby Programmer:"

    Emilio received the commandments with joy and promised God to spread his word. Then, as the night was long and God had no hurry, they played a few hands of Poker. Emilio won and asked God to promise he will get him a talked accepted at the RubyConf this year. In his wisdom God answered: "Hey, I am just God dude. If you want miracles ask the Pope"

  24. 7:30 PM en Carnal (Niceto Vega 5511)

    Drink-up Citrus Byte

Day 2

  1. 9:00 AM

    Ingreso / Access

  2. 10:00 AM

    Patricio Bruna

    Patricio Bruna

    De desarrollo a producción con Docker

  3. 10:00 AM

    Patricio Bruna

    Patricio Bruna

    De desarrollo a producción con Docker

    En esta charla pretendo enseñar de forma practica como Docker puede ayudarnos a mejorar la experiencia de desarrollo de aplicaciones Rails y como podemos olvidarnos de los problemas de tener plataformas distintas en Desarrollo y Producción.

    También revisaremos como podemos escalar automagicamente nuestra aplicación cuando logremos el éxito y la fama.

  4. 10:35 AM

    Juan Barreneche

    Juan Barreneche

    Data analysis for startups

  5. 10:35 AM

    Juan Barreneche

    Juan Barreneche

    Data analysis for startups

    Hoy en día un gran desafío que tienen las empresas es lograr recolectar y analizar datos para entender mejor el negocio y las necesidades de los usuarios. Casi todas las soluciones que encontramos en Internet están enfocadas en resolver problemas con grandes volúmenes de datos, tan grandes que no podrían ser procesados y almacenados en una sola maquina. A esto en la jerga se le llama “Big Data”.

    La mayoría de las empresas manejan volúmenes de datos que no requieren esta complejidad, sin embargo, la poca información que hay sobre alternativas puede hacer pensar que son la única forma de hacerlo y llevar a proyectos fallidos o al miedo a embarcarse en algo complejo.

    En esta charla voy a contar nuestra experiencia en Restorando construyendo un data warehouse que resuelve nuestros problemas sin insumir mucho tiempo de desarrollo y mantenimiento, ni tampoco grandes costos de infraestructura. Esto incluye: integración de múltiples fuentes de datos, el desarrollo de un framework de ETLs, técnicas avanzadas de SQL para análisis y otras técnicas Ad-Hoc para cuando SQL no alcanza.

  6. 11:05 AM


  7. 11:25 AM

    Marta Paciorkowska

    Marta Paciorkowska

    Programming, languages, literature

  8. 11:25 AM

    Marta Paciorkowska

    Marta Paciorkowska

    Programming, languages, literature

    Have you ever pondered on the similarities between programming languages and literature? If you haven’t, here’s your chance! Just as the development of literature can be divided into epochs with their distinctive themes, there are stages in the evolution of programming languages. Code and literature have more in common than you think! Let’s have a look at programming languages and compare them to well known works of literature to (hopefully) come to a conclusion that programming does not exist in a cultural vacuum and that its development is significantly inspired by culture.

  9. 12:00 PM

    Federico Builes

    Federico Builes

    Practical EventMachine

  10. 12:00 PM

    Federico Builes

    Federico Builes

    Practical EventMachine

    EventMachine (EM) is an event-driven concurrency library for Ruby, akin to Python's Twisted or Node.js. In this talk we'll explore some of the patterns and abstractions behind EM, how we can apply those ideas to our applications and how the library has been used by companies like GitHub and Heroku.

  11. 12:30 PM

    Almuerzo / Lunch

  12. 2:00 PM

    Lightning Talks

  13. 2:35 PM

    Chris Hunt

    Chris Hunt

    Solving the Rubik’s Cube Blindfolded

  14. 2:35 PM

    Chris Hunt

    Chris Hunt

    Solving the Rubik’s Cube Blindfolded

    You think solving a Rubik’s Cube is difficult? Imagine scrambling it, memorizing it, and solving it with your eyes closed.

    In this two part talk, we are going to combine techniques mastered by professional speedcubers and memory athletes to learn how to solve the Rubik’s Cube blindfolded.

    This is not just a party trick. You will leave RubyConf Argentina with a greater appreciation for the Rubik’s Cube and the ability to memorize anything in the world.

  15. 3:05 PM


  16. 3:20 PM

    Lucas Dohmen

    Lucas Dohmen

    ArangoDB, A different approach to NoSQL

  17. 3:20 PM

    Lucas Dohmen

    Lucas Dohmen

    ArangoDB, A different approach to NoSQL

    ArangoDB is an open source NoSQL database which is not narrow-mindedly focused on horizontal scalability. Instead, ArangoDB aims to offer developers great flexibility and ease-of-use. The database is suitable for use cases which are difficult to implement with most traditional relational databases and also many of the other NoSQL databases. 
Foxx is a JavaScript framework built-into ArangoDB that allows to extend the REST API of the database. I will show you why this is interesting and how you can use it in your apps.

  18. 3:55 PM

    Augusto Becciu

    Augusto Becciu

    Building you own search engine with JRuby and Lucene

  19. 3:55 PM

    Augusto Becciu

    Augusto Becciu

    Building you own search engine with JRuby and Lucene

    The idea behind the talk is to share our experience building our own search engine at Restorando by using JRuby and various libraries made in Java like Lucene and Jetty. I will explain the reasons why we decided to take this path, the challenges we faced and also show some interesting features of its architecture and implementation. Finally, details will be given on how the deployment was implemented in order to get to “zero downtime“, on how we packaged the application and dependencies, as well as on aspects of logging, monitoring and performance optimization.

  20. 4:25 PM


  21. 4:55 PM



    The Dilemma of Simplicity

  22. 4:55 PM



    The Dilemma of Simplicity

    Over the years we've learned to pay attention to the importance of a number of highly desirable qualities in software: readability, maintainability, adaptation to change. We've accepted these values as good and actively pursue them yet we consistently ignore what is probably the best method of achieving these qualities, it's staring us right in the face now.

    Slowly but steadily the philosophy of embracing simplicity in software design by carefully calculating and minimizing unnecessary complexity is gaining traction in our community, and for a good reason: it organically pushes us to the best software practices we all know and love, it both embraces all the core principles the ruby community has developed over the years while rejecting many of the common practices we carry based on inertia but which directly contradict these values.

    In this talk I explore my journey on this shift in perspective from certain fragments of our community and how thinking about simplicity as one of our core values can push us to be better developers while producing better quality of software. We don't need our crutches anymore, let's drop them together!

  23. 5:35 PM



RubyConf Argentina is one of the largest conferences about software development in South America, where more than 450 hackers meet to learn, discuss and share thoughts on open source software, web, mobile apps, security, robotics, and a lot more.

Super early bird

Sold Out

Early bird

Sold Out

Lazy bird

AR$ 1000


AR$ 1200
What you get with your ticket:
  • Admission to two days of talk sessions
  • Access to any after-hour parties
  • Official Conference T-Shirt and goodie bag
  • Breakfast, lunch and snacks on both days
  • Translation services
  • Access to our fantastic attendees and speakers!
Register Now


Ruby Fun Day

Ruby Fun Day is a full day of workshops. There will be activities for beginner Rubyists, and also for the experienced ones.

These workshops will take place in classrooms, so there's more interaction from attendees.

A laptop is suggested to participate in the workshops. Please charge its batteries before-hand.

The 2014 edition of Ruby Fun Day will be on October 23rd, from 9am to 5:30pm, at:

Universidad de Palermo
Mario Bravo 1050

Registration for Ruby Fun Day is free, with priority for the attendees of RubyConf Argentina.

Register Now More info and registration
Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4
9:00 Acreditación
9:45 Bienvenida
No vas a creer cómo simplificamos...

Tute Costa

The Guide to Cuba

Francesco Rodriguez

TDD IRL (reloaded)

Lucas Videla

12:00 Almuerzo
Adhearsion - Easy VoIP @ Ruby

Fernando Dario Alonso

Angular on Cuba

Ignacio Gutierrez y Esteban Pastorino

The path to modular UI

Marina Noelia Cabane

Tema libre
Wishful Thinking: Code Review with...

Nicolás Papagna Maldonado

Web Security 101

Francesco Rodriguez

TA one on one date with vim

Cristian Rasch

Tema libre
17:30 Fin
Tshirts RubyConf Argentina 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014



  • Citrusbyte

    Citrusbyte works with you on the fundamentals of your business, from business & product strategy, to defining first customer interactions and how to measure them. We specialize in rebuilding legacy systems, modernizing aging infrastructure, reducing headcount and optimizing costs. We build lean, agile systems and business processes that increase efficiencies, automate manual workflows and improve your business performance. From concept to launch we apply startup style customer development and agile engineering approaches to the development of new products and lines of business.

  • Gold

  • Restorando

  • Silver

  • Inaka Networks

    We build software on devices and servers, on-time, and on budget, for millions of people. Our skills and choice of technologies help clients launch quickly, with a codebase that can scale as their businesses grow. We are experts in bootstrapping; we take a startup idea and build it to "minimum viable product", before the client team takes over.

  • 10 Pines

    10Pines is a Latin American software development company specializing in creating top quality solutions with cutting edge technology. Our priority is to add value to our customers through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. We care about crafting high-quality solutions; building trust in relationships and promoting a democratic and sustainable work environment.

  • Ombu Labs

    Ombu Labs helps you build your minimum viable product and takes you from idea to launch in weeks. As a lean software boutique, we specialize in agile methodologies, user experience design and building lean software. We believe successful products are built applying the Lean Startup methodology, pair programming, doing customer development and defining actionable metrics.

  • wye works

    WyeWorks is a web consultancy agency based out in Uruguay, focused on providing services to startups from Silicon Valley and New York. The recognition gained through the contribution to Ruby on Rails allowed it to work with clients such as Google, History Channel, Zozi and Flavorpill.

  • toptier labs

    For more than 3 years we have been creating all kinds of beautifully designed web and mobile applications. Our team consists of a mix of designers and software engineers with a strong technical background.

    We are always looking for great people to join our team. If you are interested please send your resume to hr@toptierlabs.com.

  • Sendgrid

    SendGrid is the world's largest Email Infrastructure as a Service provider. We're built to serve developers and make it easy to send email no matter your environment. You can send email over SMTP or HTTP, and even use one of our official client libraries. In just a few minutes, you can send your first email and millions more.

  • Bronze

  • Jingle Punks
  • 13Floor
  • deviget
  • Soundcloud
  • thoughtbot
  • Sendgrid
  • Mercado Libre
  • Media Partners

  • Sz Studios | Beautiful graphic and web design
  • Universidad de Palermo

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